How can people really do this? Clogging without clogging shoes…it just doesn’t make sense. The sound, the feel, the rhythm (of which these people seem to be a bit off on), just can’t be there without the rat-ta-tat-tat of the Steven’s Stomper Buck Taps or the Mid-South Clogging Shoes.
The Southern Belles Shake Their Clogging Feet
Fun traditional line dance. The question has come up about what level these cloggers are. I personally think they are probably advanced or championship. This particular dance does not look Pro Level material. What do you think? Are their clogging shoes moving fast and hard enough to be considered Pro?
Contemporary Clogging Demo
Found this cool clogging video showing cloggers doing contemporary clogging. This is a mix of hip hop, jazz, tap and mostly clogging. I wonder what type of clogging shoes and taps they are using – bell or steven’s stomper buck taps.
What do traditional cloggers think about the direction clogging is headed? or is clogging really going this way at all?
What do you think?