ClogOn Interview: Mike Curtis from All That – Part 1 recently had the chance to interview Mike Curtis from All That.  That’s right, the clogging power team that was on America’s Got Talent!


To help “keep clogging strong!” we love talking to people like Mike about the different dimensions of clog dancing: frequently asked questions, where clogging is headed, and why everyone should get involved in clogging.

Special thanks to Mike for taking time out of his busy schedule to interview with  This is Part 1 of a two part interview with Mike:

1. What’s the difference between clogging and tap?

Clogging uses the heel of your foot as much as the toe whereas tap dancing uses primarily the toe. Also, with clogging you hit the floor a lot harder than tapping which produces a lot louder sound.

2. Why should I get in to clogging, I’m already in tap, jazz and ballet?

Clogging is unique, tons of fun, a better cardio workout than most dances, and on the rise! It’s becoming very popular across the country!

3. What’s better, nail on or glue on taps?

Nail on taps are definitely better. Glue on are simply difficult to keep on the shoes, no matter how well they are put on.

4. What do you prefer, the split toe clogging shoe or the Mr. Stomper?

Neither. I prefer the Director’s cut shoe made by Carl’s Clogging Supplies in South Carolina. However, we are working with Capezio as we speak, designing a new clogging shoe that should be released soon. They will be the perfect shoe! (when they come out, ClogOn will definitely carry these clogging shoes!)

5. How long have you been clogging?

I’ve been clogging 18 years.

Stay tune for part 2 of the interview with Mike Curtis from All That. Subscribe to our free email notification for the latest clogging updates, and let all your clogging friends know about!  Thanks to Mike for the great information about clogging!

All That on America’s Got Talent


  1. […] is Part Two of a two part interview with Mike Curtis from All That! Read the first interview with Mike Curtis and let him know how much you appreciate what he’s […]

  2. […] is Part Two of a two part interview with Mike Curtis from All That! Read the first interview with Mike Curtis and let him know how much you appreciate what he’s […]