The Southern Belles Shake Their Clogging Feet

Fun traditional line dance. The question has come up about what level these cloggers are. I personally think they are probably advanced or championship. This particular dance does not look Pro Level material. What do you think? Are their clogging shoes moving fast and hard enough to be considered Pro?


  1. In this video clip, The Southern Belles are competing at the NCHC National Dance-off 2006 in the TRADITIONAL LINE category. This category requires demonstration of TRADITIONAL footwork. To better educate yourself on the rules of this category, as well as all the other competitive categories, please visit the CCA ( and/or NCHC ( website.

    The Southern Belles are a championship team. In fact they just won the title of Clogging Champions of America (CCA) 2008 Senior National Champions. If you would like to see the Belles dance “faster & harder”, check out their other YouTube videos:

  2. Thanks for the great response Blake. We will definitely check out those videos and add them to our list to share. Go Southern Belles!

  3. One thing that needs to be realized here is that they are doing a traditional routine. I think so many people now a days are associating “pro” with contemporary routines that include hip hop jazz etc…… Although I am a fan of contemporary routines as much as traditional, I dont see how these girls could be viewed any other way than completely pro. Traditional is supposed to be drag slide clogging, no choreographed arm head or body movements, and these girls completely work it!!! Look at the leg lifts, and turns; everything so crisp and clean. I love the way their arms flow freely, but if you notice, they flow freely all the same way. That can only happen with hours and hours of practice and an AMAZING chemistry. Go Belles………. forever a fan!!!!!!! Lisa J.

    • Love this comment Lisa! I too love traditional clogging and am so impressed with the Southern Belles. The more I’ve got involved in meeting cloggers from all over the world, the more I’ve heard over and over again about how AWESOME the Belles are. Look forward to meeting them! Thanks for the comments!

  4. love the belles! says

    Does anyone know where I could find a cue sheet to this routine? I love it! Thanks!

  5. I really would love to learn this routine does anyone no how to find the cue sheet

  6. My daughter was on a school dance team called dazzlers watched them in compation they were great but the southern belles are awesome love the video think their best i ever seen.