Vote for The Fab Five Tomorrow on AGT

Reminder, The Fab Five will be on America’s Got Talent TOMORROW, August 11th, 2009. Make sure to vote for them and support your clogging friends!

Best of luck to the Utah clogging group – The Fab Five!


  1. Wow great job ladies. You did us all proud. I am a lucky man and a happy husband. Good job baby. I love you. “LOOK”

    • I think I actually worked on some garage door installation with you once…? 🙂

      Your email address gave it away – how’s it going proud husband from Burley?

    • I would like to send an e-mail directly to the Fab Five, is there a way to do that? I have a great long term lucrative idea for them but don’t want to just put it in a “comment” and never know if they receive it.