I think alot about how to “take clogging to the next level in the entertainment industry.” What’s it going to take to get clogging main stream like tap, jazz, or ballet? I’ve found a few ideas that may be helpful to clogging instructors – here they are:
“The road to clogging entrepreneurship can be lonely. Greater rewards may result from forming a business (or clogging) partnership. Partnerships offer more freedom for studio owners with shared tasks.
A partnership can be a relationship disaster or a positive experience. Before you form a partnership consider the following:
Creating A Winning Partnership
Have The Same Vision: For a clogging partnership to be successful, all parties involved must agree on the same strategic direction of the company. Where do you want to take clogging?
If one partner wants to build a national chain of retail outlets and the other would just like to earn a decent living, the studio and clogging experience for participants will fail in no time. Set a clear agreed course that meets the needs of both partners.
Define Business Roles: A winning clogging partnership capitalizes on the strengths and skills of each partner. Divide clogging roles according to each individuals strengths. E.g. one partner may be strong in marketing, operations and finance, the other sales, human resources and leadership, etc.
Hold A Monthly Partner Meeting: A strong clogging partnership is built on an open communicating relationship. Meet on a monthly basis to share grievances, review roles and provide constructive criticism.
Create A Partnership Agreement: It is simple to set up a partnership because no legal documents are needed. Partnerships are often an oral agreement between two or more parties. Potential problems can be averted down the road by drawing up a legal partnership agreement.
Building a small clogging business can be more rewarding and profitable in a partnership environment. Consider a structure when you have someone to compliment your skill set and add value to your company. Partnerships can work when the right foundation is laid in the beginning.”
I really feel, if we as cloggers are going to “keep clogging strong“, we need to unite our ideas and focus. What’s it going to take? Please post comments and share ideas…