- Tina B.
The ClogOn Blog

Clogs, Clogging Shoes, Clogging Dance Shoes, Clog Shoes – What do YOU call them?
As most of you know, we sell clogging shoes and taps and ClogOn.com. New ones, used ones, and even "scratched and dent" (do clogging shoes actually "dent"?)... Anyway, I've been clogging for almost 30 years. I've been to a lot of clogging events, competitions, and performances and … [Read More...]

The Air Clogging Shoes Response
As some of you probably saw, on Monday, April 1st, 2013 ClogOn announced a break through product - the Air Clogging Shoes! We're now confessing: you've all been "punked" - we played an "evil, evil" clogging joke on April Fools Day. We honestly did it all in good fun and hope we … [Read More...]

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Air Clogging Shoes Coming Soon!
ClogOn.com has been doing research all over the internet, at dance competitions, and via our ClogOn Facebook Fan Page. And, we've come to a huge conclusion, clogging can have the potential to really hurt your legs and knees if you're not careful. So, without further adieu, we announce … [Read More...]

Clogging Job Board: Powerhouse Cloggers Needed!
Do you LOVE clogging? Are you in to traveling and performing at a variety of venues? Then this job may be for you? Powerhouse Percussive Dance is looking for some advanced dancers for summer shows. You must be 18 years old or older. You must be a minimum of Advanced skill … [Read More...]

VIDEO: All That has a Competitor – ALL IT!
Thanks to Ginger Taylor for sharing this AWESOME clogging video of All That getting "one-up'd" by the up and coming "ALL IT". Scotty Bilz, Chip Summey and Jeff Driggs share their 80's style clogging technique with the famous All That clogging group! What do you think of the 80's … [Read More...]

Used Clogging Shoes!
Buy & Sell Used Clogging Shoes at ClogOn.com! We want to help you sell your used clogging shoes or find a pair of good quality shoes for clogging at an affordable price. Share this! We've had so many requests lately to buy and sell used clogging shoes. We know how you … [Read More...]

VIDEO: All That Clogging Group in the Wild Card of America’s Got Talent
Mike Curtis and All That Clogging Group did an AWESOME job last night on America's Got Talent. Check out the video of them "Clogging On!" We'll keep you posted and hope you all had a chance to vote. … [Read More...]